
Jincheng Tea Mid-Autumn Gift Box

锦城吃茶作为新式茶饮,在中秋这天献礼。季节往返之间,我们来到一年之中月亮作为天体展示它极具像且拥有叙事性质的一天。中秋节我们将对天象的崇拜承接更暧昧的亲密性,“圆”有了具象化表征:团圆/ 而“月”在幻想与现实交织处正审视一个亲切的童年记忆。

Jincheng Tea is offered as a new style of tea drink on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival.Between the seasons, we come to the one day of the year when the moon, as a celestial body, displays its extreme likeness and possesses a narrative character. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, we take on a more ambiguous intimacy to the worship of the heavens, as the "circle" takes on a figurative representation: reunion/ and the "moon" examines an intimate childhood memory at the intersection of fantasy and reality.

我们借这天自然而然微妙交汇的月光 延升至成都人更具亲切感城市元素:竹



We use the natural and subtle intersection of moonlight on this day to extend it to an urban element that is even more dear to the people of Chengdu: bamboo.

The heart of bamboo is empty, the memory is stored.

Bamboo is expected to serve as an affectionate emotional bond, clearly pulling young memories and bringing energy and spirituality on Mid-Autumn Day. So we put our imagination to work and created a dramatic Mid-Autumn gift box for KamCity Tea. The image depicted is like the shadow of the bamboo under the moon and the tea in the shadow stream, which provides the imagination for returning home between movement and static.

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